Wessex VE
Vertical Enclosed home lift
The Wessex VE Home Lift (Vertical Enclosed) has fully enclosed door and sides which can transport passengers between floors in the home with ease.
The VE combines style and function. The angled shape is modern and the designed windows are perfect for viewing during travel, making the lift feel spacious from inside.
The internal controls are designed to aid independence and can be used by most people unaided. The VE can also carry multi passengers for those travelling with a carer.
To arrange a home assessment call us on 0114 2293388
The VE range comes in a range of sizes for adaptability within the home, accommodating space, positioning and passengers. The lift can carry multiple people standing and wheelchair users and has an internal seat option.
Safety features come as standard including an interlocking door safety mechanism to keep secure during movement. A powered door is also available for ease of use.
The lift is free standing, so needs no walls to fit to, allowing flexibility of space and supports fast installation.
The lift can travel to a height of up to 3.5m, great for tall ceilings, and can be customised internally with colour options and lighting.
Click here to download the VE Technical Specification
For more information talk to our Trusted Assessors and book your home visit 0114 2293388